Why Should I Give My Horse CBD?
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
By Jeri Lockwood
Why should you give your horse CBD? The reason is simple; a horse named I Like Hot Chips aka Burt. Burt is an AQHA World Champion and Reserve World Champion Western Pleasure Horse. When I officially met Burt five years ago, he was the saddest horse I ever met. When I had him vet checked for soundness, he had only one leg that was sound. The other three legs were a hot mess. My veterinarian told me not to buy him, but that chestnut horse stole my heart. So, with the help of good veterinarians and state of the art technology, Burt was sound. To keep him that way, I had to give him Previcox, or now Equinox, every day. I had a horse die of colic a few years earlier because of the Bute that I had to give him after surgery, and I was nervous about the same thing happening to Burt. I am not huge on pharmaceuticals and rarely take an aspirin myself choosing instead a more herbal and natural way to manage my aches and pains.
I am from Colorado and when marijuana was legalized here, I was pretty upset about it. Then my husband brought home CBD Oil for his arthritis and friends started telling me how it helped. One day at the barn, during a cold winter day, Burt came out of his stall stiff from the cold weather. I had a huge ah ha moment and that is when the idea formed in my mind to give CBD Oil to Burt. After searching the internet and not finding a product, I called my friend Heidi, who has her PhD in Natural Medicine, and asked her to help me. We went into the kitchen and started baking. Finally, our CBD Oil horse disc was developed.
Burt did great on the CBD discs and it is a part of his every day supplement.
Love and hug your horse’s peeps. They are truly a gift from God.
Jeri Kay & Burt