Can I Give My Horse CBD from the Dispensary?
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
By Jeri Lockwood
With the increased offerings of both hemp and cannabis products in the market for legal use, there is an increase in demand to understand how these natural products can not only benefit humans but other mammals. During a regular trip to the marijuana dispensary, you are wondering if your easily-spooked equine companion could benefit from CBD products that you see on the shelf there, made for humans.
The answer is no, you cannot give your horse CBD that you purchased at a marijuana dispensary. CBD from a marijuana dispensary could be dangerous for your horse. If you are thinking about giving your horse CBD for pain management, to aid in anxiety, or for overall well-being, you need to make sure that the THC level is .3% or less which follows the guidelines of the Farm Bill passed on December 20, 2018. Marijuana dispensaries CBD products have THC amounts of 20 to 500 mg which is a 10:1 to 100:1 ratio.
Higher THC levels will alter your horse’s brain and can make them either tired or act in an irrational manner. The horse will become unstable and dangerous to ride. Many veterinarians will turn an owner into the authorities for animal abuse.
When you are looking for a CBD product for your animal whether it is for a dog, cat, or equine, consider purchasing that product from a local, reputable company. The company’s website will have a Certificate of Analysis listed for every lot number showing consumers that their THC limits are well below .3% and legal to sell. Look at the ingredients as well, and reach out to your veterinarian for advice on any medications that your equine companion is on that may interact with the CBD product for horses before starting it.
We sell horse CBD products specifically curated for your equine companion. Read our Certificate of Analysis documents on our order page here and purchase the right equine CBD product today!